Work package 1: Video-based processing of experiments and laboratory exercises as well as CNC-supported manufacturing and work processes of the construction trades

The project „Leibniz works 4.0: Changing learning and working environments in vocational teacher training“ is part of an additional funding round of the federal-state iniative „Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung“. Main focus of this funding round are the topics „Digitalisation of teacher training“ and „Vocational teacher training“.
The project forms a future concept for vocational teacher training at the Leibniz University Hannover. On a structural level, the model to be developed, Vocational Teacher Training Lower Saxony 2025, is intended to increase the attractiveness of the study programme. In this context, measures to opening up, standardisation and flexibilisation are being initiated to attract significantly more first-year students, to retain them in the programme and to lead them to a degree qualifying them for a teaching profession. At the curricular level, the massive challenges of the changing world of work 4.0 are being met through innovative teaching-learning scenarios with reference to the field of work of vocational teachers.
At the Institute for vocational studies in the building trade, video-based processing of experiments and laboratory exercises as well as CNC-supported production and work processes in the building trades are being produced for the subject areas of construction technology, coating technology and interior design as well as wood technology.